A Wedding of Tears


“Come, it is time, we will be late.” She says
I look at her and close the door,
It is time,
I hear women’s voices outside my room,
Excitement is in the air,
Celebrations are underway,
I hear them say that the house of my father is happy
That I have made them proud,
Chanting blessings because of my virtue,
Then why am I not happy,
Why am I sad if the result is my father’s smile,
Water they pour on me,
Cold, to make my skin firm they say,
Slather me with perfumed oils,
Makeup on my face to hide my true emotions from the world,
Beads and golds around my neck to show favour and wealth,
My hand decorated with the best henna they could find,
In the purest of silks I am trapped,
I am beautiful,
Tears in my eyes,
They console me,
I will never be the same again,
They dance around me,
And when they leave I watch him come in
My husband,
More like my master with his greying hair,
I am to act shy and keep silent,
Look down,
While my sisters celebrate the good life I have been given,
It is a lavish affair,
And at the end of the night,
In his car I will go to my new home
To be a 16 year old wife to a 50 year old man
This is what they call life.


This was inspired by the end child marriage post I read on 17th March 2016. May we raise our voices and ensure every child has a happy childhood.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. PaulineMary says:

    Can we hunt this con man down and give him some kiboko ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. vhuvu says:

      I don’t even know if in his country he can be arrested. It’s allowed in Bangladesh


  2. kutukamus says:

    Quite some beautiful pics
    Come in pair 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. vhuvu says:

      Courtesy of Pinterest.


  3. Dolvella says:

    This very touching and so sad. We need to liberate these kids they deserve better. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. vhuvu says:

      Thank you. And yes they need saving. It’s so sad


  4. Bana Milo says:

    Oh gosh you even advocate for good causes!! Maybe I should marry you instead! This is sweet piece,sad though

    Liked by 1 person

    1. vhuvu says:

      Lol. I was touched. I saw pictures of some 16 year old getting married to an older man. I was so disappointed. The pain I felt. I wrote the piece based on all her pictures every line came from her pictures. This world.


      1. Bana Milo says:

        I know it’s so crazy what kids go through around the world. Well we have people like you to turn those lemons around

        Liked by 1 person

        1. vhuvu says:

          Thank you… ☺


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